Thursday, January 1, 2015

Freelunch Selfie Wefie

Hye there peeps!

Okey. Today is the first day of 2015. And i've turned 16 years old, but on 13 December my age will be officially 16 hahahaa. I hope this year will be lebih baik than before. Aminn :)

Today my cousin and I have our freelunch at my neighbour's house. I didn't ate a lot cause the foods are not delicious hahaha yeahh iam serious *iam so bad* so, this time i just wanna post our pictures. our crazy selfie wefie. But actually its not that crazy hahaha ehh wait! Hmm drum roll please! *druummmmmm pak*

Me with the orange cousin hehe #Farahin

The short me hahaha

Ma cousin, the crazy Farahin

Hahaha i love to eat #eh?

Okey2 thats enough hahaha thats it! There are only a few photos. So bubbye my cute handsome pretty cute readers! *alaa senyum la tu* haha Asslmualaikumm *wave hands*

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I miss 3A classmates

Hi eberibadehh

Its been a few weeks of school holiday, but i've already miss my classmate, my bestfriends and ofcourse my teachers. I miss being crazy with my friends. Laughing, joking, and crying together hahaha yeah we cried together in my school because of the histeria case. Congek ehh xD

After my PT3 exam, i dont know where i wanna go in form 4 next year. Aku x tau nak pilih kelas science ataupun art. Kalau aku ambik science takut menyesal pulak kan? Math science aku bukannya brapa pon. Kalau art ni aku tak minat ahh bosan melukis2 ni. Talking about PT3. Guys the exam is fucking hard okey? Guys guys guys i dont want to tell you whats my PT3 result cause its bad. Hmm okey I tell you. I've only got 3A's and i dont want to tell you the rest cause its too bad

I wonder if D.O is my classmate and i will look at him all day long HAHA yes iam crazy about him. Okey2 back to the topic. I cant understand why are we the first batch for PT3? But benda yang lepas jangan dikenang kan? Hahahahah

Actually iam really sick right now *cough* go away you fever *cough cough* i want to sleep *sleeping and then wake up* i dunno what to do now. Better i just go to the kitchen and eat some chocolate cake hahaha. Actually i dont want to get fat but i've ate a lot on this school holiday. But my weight still 46kg and my height is 155 i guess hahah

Okey i think thats all. I dont have any idea what to write about. Kbye daaaa i love you kyungsoo oppa!!  i XOXO you oppa!!

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Boring kan blog aku?

Haa nampak tak title tuh? Memang boring sangat blog aku ni, tak secantik blog kengkorang yang tengah baca ni. Aku just pandai nak tukar warna scroll tuh je. Tadi aku dah try dah nak tukar cursor mustache tapi tak jadik pon. Bengang ahh. So aku decided nak biar je blog aku tuh hodoh. Kalau aku rajin aku hias hias la kan, bagi comel sikit. Btw aku takde idea lah nak tulis apa dalam entry nih. hmm apa kata aku ajar korang bahasa sarawak? Nak ke idok? Kalo taknak sila tekan butang 'x' tu yee

1. Kitak/kamek - Awak/saya
2. Nintauk eh - Taktau la
3. Rasa nak tido jak - Rasa nak tido la
4. Nganok - Marah. Ex= Kau pahal nak nganok aku ndah? "Kau nape nak marah aku bagai?"
5. Tangga - Tengok
6. Kenak kah? - Kenapa?
7. Sitok lok - Sini jap
8. Juh - Jom
9. Boh - Jangan *anaconda boh boh boh lols*
10. Aduh pahal panas gilak aritok? - Aduh nape harini panas sangat?
11. Geruk - Tekak
12. Sikmok - Tak nak

Aaaa ni je la yang aku nak ajar. Aku pon tak tau cane nak ajar hahaha

My prince charming : Do Kyungsoo Oppa ♥♥

Hi there!

Do you wanna know who is my prince charming? hmm i know you know because of the title right? hahaha lol so its no need for me to tell u guys again. So, its Do Kyungsoo Oppa!

Omo look at his picture >0< he's so cute and adorable and this totally make me crazy! Waaaa I want to touch his face!! But i cant cause iam a muslim hehe. no no no. I really really want to meet him but, its way too impossible because iam malaysian. Iam from Sarawak, Malaysia. Korea and Sarawak is way too far and the conclusion is, i can't meet him and take a selfie with him T^T

Fyi, i have save 87 pictures of D.O and everyday i look at it *what?* hahaha i know its ridiculous but it is so true. His cute pictures can make my brain explode and can make my heart beats soooooo fast *dup dap dup dap dup dap*

But, did D.O oppa doesn't have any facebook account? twitter or instagram? Iam struggling to find his REAL account but it seems like D.O doesn't have any of them. Why oppa why? *crying*

Oppa, some rumors told me that u have a special relationship with sojin from Girl's Day. Oppa is it true? Oppa answer me oppa! *heartbreak* and the worst thing is, the both of you have a couple rings! Like srsly oppa? *jealous* I've looked your photo with sojin at the fishing hole but, some of your fans told me that you are not there at that time. Oppa, i dont want to know about that cause it will make me angry

D.O oppa, i hope that u will read my blog and read this entry. But, dont forget to give me your phone number okey? Arachi? And, dont forget to drop a comment hehe lol. please drop a comment please drop a comment please! jaebal! Iam begging you oppa! *this is too much* lol

Thats all from me oppa. Lastly, saranghae Do Kyungsoo Oppa! I love you oppa! I hope that we can meet each other one day and take a selfie together. Aminn okey thats all. Bye dear readers and Assalamualaikumm wbt